Preview On The Fly

Man, I'm already tired and there's still an entire itinerary of parties to check out today. First off: at 14:00 we have Fruitfly, a free open air party in Treptow Park featuring Cocoon/Sisyphos and assorted other cool DJs. Later, we'll be heading to Neukölln for #gHashtag vs. The Future Was Now , which will be a witchy lil' night of sleaze, cross-dressed genres and tumblrpunks (I dunno what they are either, but I have a feeling I'm going to find out). Whatever energy we have left after that will take us to The Empire Strikes Back free party in Subland, in east Friedrichshain / west Lichtenberg. There will be two rooms: drum n' bass in one and techno in the other. Techno room's gonna be hosted by Circuit Breaker , a break-dancing, punk-rocking breakbeat producer from da streets of everywhere in Germany, it seems. I've got to sign off now if I'm gonna be able to get enough coffee in me to make it through the rest of the day & night. E...