Preview: Waiting for the Sun

Photograph by Sebastien Oppetit April has been a weird month for parties. On the one hand, longer daylight hours have taken the shine off the idea of partying inside of clubs. On the other hand, the ever-encroaching rain clouds and chilly winds have dampened any attempts at outdoor raving. Like the good weather, Berlin's party spirit seems to have been on holiday leave since Easter, leaving people like me free to catch up on their reading, to see their friends, to see exhibitions... anything and everything except for 'avin it large in the mud (or sand or whatever). No one seems to mind; there will be plenty of time for rabble-rousing starting on the first of May, after all. Ah, the first of May. I can clearly remember cycling through the city just before dawn on the second of May last year. Except for the odd late-night party, Friedrichshai...