Review: Halfway Down the Rabbit-hole

Last weekend's snow flurries sent the Easter bunny scampering back to his burrow, but the rest of Berlin's party menagerie chose to take refuge in an altogether different sort of underground: a place as full of talking animals and sideshow acts as the flipside of the looking glass.

Later on, in another basement club in Brunnen Strasse, I danced to tribal techno with the elephant man and a mime... I know, how predictable can you get?!
Even though the Easter Bunny wasn't around that didn't stop Berlin from taking a shallow dive down the rabbit hole. What about you? Did you spend your weekend hibernating or hyperventilating in the underbelly of the club scene? Leave a comment to tell me about it below...
Below & right: This hut lay at the end of my openair Easter-egg hunt... along with funky techno, friendly people and free beer (not shown)

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