Review: Krake Festival, Fuck Parade and more...

Above: A gabba float with smoke machine goes by at the Fuck Parade Because I am blogging on the move this week, my entry may have assumed a rather jumbled look - apologies in advance. Unfortunately, my home internet is down so I am currently writing my blog in the library, next to a one of those lovely people who talks to herself in the absence of a hands-free set. Anyway, on with the weekend review... Was it the sunny weather? The looming end-of-summer holidays deadline? The raft of almost-cancelled outdoor events which went ahead at the last moment? Or a fortuitous combination of all of the above? Whatever the cause, last weekend in Berlin there was an outpouring of dance euphoria unlike any I've seen this summer. Everywhere you went, be it the streets, clubs, or the beaches, people were peeling layers of warm clothing off of glittering flesh and twisting away extravagant stupors, bare feet kissed by earth. Above: Mixmaster Morris playing acid house @ Suicide Circus Augu...