WTF: Open For Business As Unusual

A few years ago, I did a post about the weird party names in Berlin. Things have obviously come full circle because now, I'm noticing names again but this time, it's business names. Today, I saw this place in Friedrichshain called "Sound & Cocktails". Like, how much more non-committal can you get? The only thing you know for sure about that place is that you'll have cocktails in a space that isn't a sonic vacuum. Later, on my way home, I tried to list some even more non-committal names that these people could use for their next location: Sonic Frequencies And Fun Appliances And Atmosphere Dinner And Dimensional Space Liquids And Luminescence - (because if you specify 'light', people might get their hopes up for nothing) Vibes & Vertebrates - (because if you specify 'people', people might get their hopes up for nothing) Or, my personal favourite: Molecular Structures And Motion I can i...