Preview: Mayday Is Free, And Worth Every Penny

Even though I'm working right into the wee hours of Tag Der Arbeit (ironically), when I emerge into daylight, wreathed in smoke from the dance floor, I will do what every other Vitamin D deficient member of Berlin's nightlife community does: go to a free openair.
I'm not sure why, or how, but every year since I first got here, the Berlin club community has had a sort of "opendoor openair" day. The entrance at [most] clubs is free... yes, even at the coolest and most expensive clubs. I think it's because they're all Social Marxist Degenerates (at least, according to the AfD they are) with Hippy Utopian Leanings (at least, according to me they are). I Don't Know Why I Feel The Need To Use Caps For Those Sorts Of Phrases but it's really hard on the fingers so I'm just going to stop it, now.
You will want to take advantage of this annual spirit of generosity by checking out as many never-seen-before Berlin venues as your dilated pupils can take! If it's your first May Day in Berlin, though, just remember two things. The first rule of May Day is that you should plan to spend most of it outdoors, even if it's not nice weather. Your friends will want to dance in the rain, especially if they're English, or me.
The second rule of May Day is don't pay to get in anywhere before midnight. You will be throwing your money away. During the day, everyone will be at the countless free openair parties around Kreuzberg, Treptower Park, Neukoelln, Tempelhofer Feld and beyond.
Also, just because a party's free doesn't mean you should necessarily plan to stay there. After all, you're spoiled for choice. There are plenty of free openairs listed on Resident Advisor where, as an Italian friend of mine says, "Even for the price it's not worth it." Mainly, those are the ones with a far-too-loud soundsystem and a cynically dancing spaeti owner serving up bottles of Sterni for 2 euros and Cuba Libra for 7 euros from a tub perched on a folding table.
So, if you can't go anywhere that's charging entrance and you can't trust everything that's free, then where should you go? I'm so glad you asked...
1. Mai im Grunewald - It's less like an openair and more like a demonstration, but at least it tries to bring both those sides together again, despite the traditional separation between party and protest cultures in Berlin. Worth checking out if you feel like honouring the revolutionary spirit of May the 1st.
Kulturbotschaft Tag der Arbeiterklass Kunstler/innen - In English, that means 'Working Class Artists Day'. It's an exhibition starting at 12:00 on May 1st, 2nd and 3rd, featuring working class artists who were previously affiliated with Berlin's longest running art squat, Tacheles.
Street Party in Wrangelkiez - This should be a more banging techno event with Weisse Hase of Revaler 99 doing the soundsystem. Since I'm quite loyal to my one-time Kreuzberg kiez, I will personally drop by this one, if the crowds don't drag me in a different direction like a raging torrent.
Berghain - Yes, Berghain - a place that I am always questioning the value of - is a decent choice for wealthier May 1st party people and techno tourists. Its garden is the only part of it that's open but it's still a rush to get in for free when you're a poor slob like Miss E. Unfortunately, the face-checking door staff and all the other prohibitive norms will still be present and accounted for. Check the queue before they check your face and take it from there, is my advice.
Anomalie's Free Open Air - Schlesischer Busch, the park across the street from Club Der Visionaere, is a traditional location for off-site openairs by small soundsystems both on the 1st of May and at other times of year. So it's appropriate that Anomalie - a neighbour of club Mensch Meier (which is closed that day) - will be putting on an openair party there that will hopefully be as nice to look at as it is to listen to / socialize in.
Telekollegen - Is putting on a party that starts at 8 p.m. In my experience, Stil Vor Talent is pretty mellow in terms of tunes, so it should be more of a chill experience than the other openairs. It's a friendly crew and a sweet location near to the river, though.
Bi Nuu, Else and basically anyone charging entrance fees during the daytime. This means that they are either new at this or a capitalist who does not deserve a shout out on this Social Marxist's hippy, utopian blog. I am sure they're not bothered by that fact, either, since they will be raking in the cash.
Griessemuehle - At this point, I'm only going to Griessemuehle about once a year for nostalgic reasons since most of the other advantages - cheap entrance, accommodating door staff - have long since fled this derelict building. They do have a nice spacious garden and a lot of space inside, but you have to watch where you sit down: the last time I went there, a nail was sticking out of my seat and the staff were incredibly rude when I pointed it out to them. Although some people who I like do rate this club, it always seems to be a stress-fest when I go there, lately. And that's a shame because I used to dig the people and the vibe.
On May 1st, the lineup includes Ellen Allien, but in my cynical mind, all I'm picturing is black clad snobs who didn't make it into Berghain whinging about how many tourists are there. But go and decide for yourself if you really dig this lineup. If you have an amazing time there - or anywhere else listed in this post - feel free to leave a comment below!
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