Opinion: Why I'm Breaking with the Easyjet Set

Breaking up with the EasyJet set can be hard, but it's worth it. Do you live in Berlin? If the answer's yes then you're probably an underemployed, liberal artist of some kind. You probably eat local, organically-grown, fair trade products. You almost definitely always return your bottles for the pfand (deposit). Your flat's energy probably comes from a renewable source. You presumably cycle from A to B, using public transport whenever you can. Let's face it, it's probably all that you can afford. In other words, you don't use up that much carbon every year. So surely, you can afford to take a flight some place warm every now and then. Right? Wrong. The assumption that flying a few times a year isn't such a bad carbon 'expense' is one that many people - myself included - are guilty of having. Until recently, I used to fly about once or twice a year from one European city to another for the same reasons everyone d...