WTF Is Up in Rigaer Strasse?!

Berlin's Thought Police in action You might have seen the footage on the news in the last few weeks of flack - jacketed cops milling around outside of one of Friedrichshain's playfully patchworked 'squats' (which aren't actually squats , anymore, although they once were). Y ou might have read a snippet of text or two, telling you about an attack on a passer -by in the street, and a raid o n a house. The chances are very good, though , that you didn' t get the whole stor y of what actually happened in Rigaer Strasse. I know I didn't. So i n this po st, I'm going to share what I've learned about it so far. According to the press, on January 13th , a police officer was a ttacked in in Rigaer Strasse in North Friedrichshain . Der Spiegel wrote that the injured officer in question " was overthrown, beaten and kicked to the ground" by four people who were " suspected" left wingers. "According to p...