Preview: Three's A Charm
This weekend I'll be revisiting Tacheles to perform a raindance for its continued survival. Of course, there were parties like that last weekend too, immediately after the courts handed down their verdict that the art squat's most recent eviction was illegal. But the line up at this Saturday's Industrial Berlin party is right up my dark, dingy, glass-strewn, beer-spattered alley. With Tacheles' latest, illegal closure barely a week old, it seems like a good time to be reliving the acid-industrial parties that helped to put squats like this on the map. On a less-tangibly-political tangent is the Beats against Corruption party at Mein Haus Am See this Wednesday . This 'benefit party' will be in aid of Transparency International . What is Transparency International, you ask? The answer to that question is not as transparent as you might think, ironically enough. After a little bit of digging around online, all I can say for sure about Transparency Intl. ...