An Article Of Faith

As the co-inventor of the gentrification model currently reshaping Berlin,'s views on the subject of rent control activism are inherently biased. Yet neither the site nor its writers seem willing to admit it. I've just read No City Hates Its Landlords Like Berlin on Bloomberg website. A few things grabbed my attention as being, um, less than impartial about it. Who you wouldn't have guessed from the title, right? For one thing, it overuses the word "expropriation". The piece repeatedly uses "expropriation" as a shorthand to describe Berlin's plans to buy back certain properties from its biggest private landlords. "Expropriation" is an archaic word that apparently reached its peak usage around the 1950's. And it definitely seems like Bloomberg has dredged it up to try and revive the frenzied McCarthyist mood of that era, for this piece. I'm familiar with a lot of big words but I decided to look up...