Opinion: We Can Do More Than Watch The World Burn

This week, I'm taking a short break from talking about Berlin to discuss an issue that is weighing heavily on everyone's minds, here: the Amazon rainforest fires. Who's to blame and what we can do to stop them? It's easy to forget when you're watching emotive videos of people helplessly fleeing the hellscape of the burning rainforest, but figuring out who has caused these fires - and stopping those people - is as important as putting the fires out. Otherwise, the destruction will begin all over again the moment the world looks away. Most reports will have you believe that it's Bolsonaro or greedy ranchers acting on their own who are doing all the burning. T he truth is, they are all just agents of a bigger, much uglier enemy of our global environmental health. No, I don't mean Trump, but the Brazilian beef and chicken industry. It's an industry that many of us innocently support whenever we buy a burger or a chicken salad sandwich o...