Preview: Karneval der SubKulturen

Detail of the Koepi's frontage What's alternative about the Carnival of Cultures? Everything and nothing. Every culture that you'll see there - on a float, at a stall or onstage - will be some kind of an alternative to Berlin's indigenous culture. The jerk chicken and samba bands will seem exotic to some of us for sure. But then again, there are also parts of India and Africa where eating currywurst and drinking beer with fake raspberry syrup in it may seem exotic. It's all a matter of perspective. The Karneval der Kulturen (May 22-25) was founded in Berlin in 1996 to combat the growing tide of nationalistic racism in the former East German capital. Some would say that it also afforded the local prols (chavs) an excellent opportunity to work on their fake tans and get dressed up in pastel colours and bling-bling. (Many seem to have taken that idea and run with it ). Some of the true minority cultures that are visible on the streets of ...