Review: The Extra-Worldly Nation of Gondwana
Wands: the ultimate NoG dancefloor accessory A woman in a body-hugging indigo stocking and skirt outfit twists a hoola hoop around her torso, shoulders, upper thighs. A shock of yellow yarn sways under her indigo headscarf, like doll's hair. She seemed to be in a trance. Even if it's not your kind of music, one glance at her and you'll start to feel the beat... I had a pretty bad time at Nation of Gondwana the first time I went there in 2011 . This is mainly because it was freezing cold (7 degrees Celsius in July... hard to imagine that now). There also weren't many people there and the people who were, were understandably grim. However, I've finally seen NoG the way that it is supposed to be: a sunny, rambling, warm pressure cooker for Berlin's precociously artistic clubbing community, and I am a convert. I might even apply for a passport, or at least a temporary, annual residency at the nation of Gondwana. While the music in ...