Preview: May I Have Some Mayhem Please?

There are two reasons why I haven't been blogging regularly about Berlin's party scene lately: one good, one bad. The good reason is that I've been extremely busy plugging away at a book about the rise and fall (and rise again) of London's underground party scene. I will be publishing that novel in E-book format this spring, with free excerpts and a special price for all Unscene Berlin readers. Stay posted for updates! The 'bad' reason is that, to be honest, nothing much has changed in Berlin's party scene in a-g-e-s. There are still tons of parties in Berlin every weekend, and they are still as cheap and liberal as ever, but the sound hasn't changed. The DJ's haven't changed. The venues and party names haven't really changed very much either. Thrill-seeking novelty-junkies like myself are hard-pressed to find a fix in this town, these days. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with a bit of consistency, but wh...