Interview: Punk is Dada!

Unscene Berlin recently met with artist Penny Rafferty to talk about her new collective, Punk Is Dada. What is Punk Is Dada, though? Is it art, movement, festival or anti-fashion statement? As it turns out, Rafferty’s not too sure herself. That’s part of what makes it so exciting... Still from Punk Is Dada's new video 'Just F*ck It' Unscene Berlin first encountered Penny Rafferty, artist and co-founder of Berlin's Punk Is Dada collective, in December 2012. She had organised an anti-consumerism Christmas spectacle at Mitte's ZMF club entitled Cult of the Personality . Every product that was on offer at the event - from the clothing to the zines to the music by the drag dance band that played at the end - was created to articulate a clear viewpoint on a social or political issue that its creators believed in. And not one of the artists involved in the event resorted to the textbook tedium of politic...